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SSO/SAML with OneLogin

How to configure Status Hero SSO with OneLogin and SAML 2.0

Updated over a week ago

Note: SSO/SAML is available in our Premium or Enterprise plans.

There are two parts to getting OneLogin working with Status Hero: 1.) the initial setup, which you'll do once, and 2.) the user provisioning tasks, which you'll perform when you first set things up and each time you add new users.

1. Setup and Configuration

Before you get started, you'll need to let us know you'd like to enable your account for SSO/SAML with OneLogin, then follow the steps below.

Right now there is still a manual step on our end, so we'll need the link from the last step before you can start provisioning users.

Once we confirm that everything works, we'll disable password authentication and magic link sign-in capability completely for your account.

Here are the steps:

1. Log in to your OneLogin organization as a user with administrative privileges
2. Under "Apps", select "Add Apps"
3. Search for Status Hero and click on the result
4. On the resulting "Add Status Hero" configuration page, click the "Save" button
6. In the "Configuration" tab, fill out:

9. Click "Enable" and then click "Save"
10. Click "Save" again
11. Under the "Parameters" tab, edit the value of the "SCIM Username" to be "Email"
12. Under the "Provisioning" tab, tick the "Enable provisioning" checkbox.
13. Click "Save"
14. Under the "SSO" tab, copy the "Issuer URL" and send it to us

2. Provisioning Users

For users that already have Status Hero logins:

Essentially, you'll need to add the "sync login" step to the provisioning process.

1. Select the user in OneLogin
2. Under the "Applications" tab, click the "+" to add a new application for this user.
3. Select the "Status Hero" application
4. Make sure the "SCIM Username" value is the user's primary email address (and that is is unique for the account)
5. Click "Save" (you may need to untick/tick the "Allow users to sign in" checkbox to enable the "Save" button
6. Under "Apps", select "Company Apps" go back to the Status Hero app
7. Under the "Users" tab, you'll see the user with a "pending" status
8. Under "More actions", click the "Sync logins" item
9. Under the "Users" main menu item, select "Provisioning"
10. Select the pending user and approve the pending creation task
11. Under "Apps", select "Company Apps" go back to the Status Hero app
12. Under the "Users" main menu item, select "Provisioning"
13. Select the pending user and approve the pending update task
14. Under "Apps", select "Company Apps" go back to the Status Hero app, you should see the user listed as "provisioned".

For new users:

1. Select the user in OneLogin
2. Under the "Applications" tab, click the "+" to add a new application for this user.
3. Select the "Status Hero" application
4. Make sure the "SCIM Username" value is the user's primary email address (and that is is unique for the account)
5. Click "Save" (you may need to untick/tick the "Allow users to sign in" checkbox to enable the "Save" button
6. Under "Apps", select "Company Apps" go back to the Status Hero app
7. Under the "Users" tab, you'll see the user with a "pending" status
10. Select the pending user and approve the pending creation task
11. Under "Apps", select "Company Apps" go back to the Status Hero app, you should see the user listed as "provisioned".
12. In Status Hero, you'll now be able to add this user to a team

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