Linear Integration

Setting up webhooks for Linear

Updated over a week ago

When you connect your Status Hero team and Linear, Status Hero will automatically include team members' issue updates with their check-ins.

You and your team can also view, filter, and cross-reference issue updates in the team activity stream.

Here's how to set it up:

In Linear, visit Settings > Account > API. Add a new Webhook using the URL from the Linear panel in the Account Management - Integrations page in Status Hero.


Once a few activities have been logged, you can use the auto-complete functionality in check-ins and comments to auto-link to issues in your Linear project.

Simply type # and a string of text that is part of your Linear item and you'll be able to select and auto-insert a fully formatted link to it.


  • Look for updates in the activity stream first. The check-ins on the dashboard will sum up updates from the previous period. (The check-ins essentially say "here's what I did yesterday, and here are all the errors marked as fixed to go along with that.)

  • Status Hero will only process assigned issues in Linear

  • Check to make sure the full name in Linear profiles match the first and last name of team members in Status Hero.

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